See What's Happening calendar for upcoming events.

Get Started or Level Up!

At Jefferson ARC, educating future and current enthusiasts is at the core of what we do.

License Training & Examinations

Jefferson ARC offers license examinations under the auspices of the FCC. We occasionally offer and "all-in-a-day" session. New hams can learn all they need to know for their Technician Class license in one day and take the exam at the end of the session.


Monthly Talks

At monthly talks, our members are introduced to many fascinating and relevant topics. These talks are often given by specialists from other parts of the country, sometimes over video meetings, or by experienced members.

Past topics have included:

• Lightning protection
• Antenna construction
• and International contesting


Past Special Sessions

Throughout the years, we offer special training sessions that provide in-depth knowledge about different aspects of the hobby.

Here's your chance to learn more anout topics such as:

• Radio -based texting and email
• Using repeaters in oribiting satellites
• Talking with the Inernational Space Station
• Helping scientists gather info about solar activity.


Public Education

Public Eduction

We focus on continuing education for members who want to get more advanced licenses. We host a all0in-a-day session where new users can learn all the need for the Technician license in one day and take the exan at the end of the session. We provide training for Scouts organizations to support Radio Merit Badges.


Educational Materials

When an event produces useful educational materials, we store that on our website and make it available publicly. This material includes member and guest speaker slides, designs for antennas we build at the club, detailed technical information we learn about equipment we need to install, etc.

When you click “More Info” below, you will see a page with a “Sign in” button. You can ignore this.

When an event produces useful educational materials, we store that on our website and make it available publicly. This material includes member and guest speaker slides, designs for antennas we build at the club, detailed technical information we learn about equipment we need to install, etc.

When you click “More Info” below, you will see a page with a “Sign in” button. You can ignore this.

When an event produces useful educational materials, we store that on our website and make it available publicly. This material includes member and guest speaker slides, designs for antennas we build at the club, detailed technical information we learn about equipment we need to install, etc.

When you click “More Info” below, you will see a page with a “Sign in” button. You can ignore this.

When an event produces useful educational materials, we store that on our website and make it available publicly. This material includes member and guest speaker slides, designs for antennas we build at the club, detailed technical information we learn about equipment we need to install, etc.

When you click “More Info” below, you will see a page with a “Sign in” button. You can ignore this.


Additional Resources

Of course, the Internet has endless amounts of information about all aspects of amateur radio. Some of it is great, some not so great, and some out-of-date. We try to keep an up-to-date curation of materials on the Internet that members have found beneficial.


© 2024 Jefferson Amateur Radio Club, Inc.